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Fundamentals of Video Marketing – A boon to your budding business

Are you new to the branding world? Skeptical about the choices you make to boost your brand? Are you always in the dilemma of whether you are doing something wrong or targeting the right audience? Building your capacity and making a position in this ever-evolving industry can be challenging. So where to begin?

Step one is to take a step back and re-assess your branding strategy. Today, we will offer you a quick fix to your longing of growing your brand value- Video marketing.

Video marketing functions the same as any other marketing form, excluding the technical know-how required. Its ability to effectively communicate any message can keep you at the top of the game.

Here are a few reasons why you need to switch to video marketing on an immediate basis

Boosts your brand value

A brand image needs to be based on several factors. Smart strategies and concise planning are essential to keeping your brand relevant and recognizable.

Interestingly, it has been identified here  that videos can increase conversions by up to 80% on landing pages, and they are the most cost-effective way to boost sales, make brands more appealing, and boost conversions.

Your brand will gain more exposure if you tell an engaging story. You need to stay in touch with your audiences while being engaging and personal.

Strengthens your customer relations

Customer engagement and marketing using social media platforms have grown rapidly. Leverage this opportunity and get a competitive edge for your business.

It is odd how businesses avoid video marketing. Even though it has become an increasingly powerful tool for boosting brand recognition and building engagement.

Video can powerfully communicate these values. This is why positive brand awareness is often determined by how authentic and reliable a company appears to its customers.

As per the survey report of Video Marketing for Small Businesses, 2020 companies have seen an increase of over 72% in brand awareness and 66% in new sales after venturing into this catalytic tool.

Helps you grow organically

Exploit the video domain of marketing as extensively as you can. Don’t even be modest about it. Videos can be much more impactful and able to grab the attention of the masses as compared to other forms.

For instance, 87% of video marketers say video has increased traffic to their website. How extensively you wish to use it or channelize it is totally up to you.

Video’s role in your brand awareness campaign will depend on your strategy. Sometimes it is done for the sole purpose of creating entertaining content that might go viral.

Ever heard people say- “Check this video out! It has been trending now!!” That could be you. The choice is in your hands.

Targets actual buyers

Most consumers prefer video content over reading about a product. In these evolving times, no one has a lot of time to spare.

Attention span is getting reduced and everyone wants a shortcut to everything. Especially while dealing with complex information, people always find videos easier to digest.

It is no surprise that if someone can understand and visualize a product easily, they’ll be more likely to buy it. At the end of the day, all you would want is to convert casual browsers into actual buyers.

Hence, video production can act as a catalyst to build your brand through a new lens. It has the potential to generate more revenue, establish stronger connections, and have a lasting impact.

Builds brand equity and credibility

There is no better way for growing your business, converting leads into sales, and retaining customers. Brands such as Google, Reebok, Coca-Cola, and many others have leveraged this opportunity.

It is evident how it has escalated their brand value. Brand capacity is built and greater recognition is generated. Most importantly, brand equity is achieved. Video exposure can revolutionize your brand image. Video production offers a wide variety of tools.

You can use them to create compelling content that viewers won’t want to miss. Live streaming, constant engagements, and teasers catch the eye quickly.

Live videos such as sports, gaming, and performances engage viewers in real-time and carry a social component. It creates a sense of belonging that builds brand trust.

Video content ensures to immerse customers thus creating an experience. It humanizes your brand and makes your marketing feel more personal.

When you demonstrate that you’re taking care of your audiences’ needs, audiences will begin taking care of yours. It is a win-win situation then.

If you wish to know more or create a solid video marketing strategy, then connect with us. We will guide you with all that you would need and strengthen all that you have.

With a proficient team having expertise in video marketing, we can help you grow and establish yourself in the industry more powerfully.

Kindly click here to connect with our team.
